Several GRA members from around the state, including several Cobb RA members, were pleased to drive out to far northeast Georgia to join with local constituents and help GRA-endorsed State Rep. Matt Gurtler in his first fundraiser of the new election season. Among those from Cobb where founding Cobb Republican Assembly President Michael Davis (not currently serving), Cobb RA Chairman Nathaniel Darnell, and Cobb RA 2nd Vice President Matthew Hardwick. Gurtler has consistently received the highest scores for his voting record as a true pro-American, pro-life, small-government and finally responsible constitutionalist, but he has been targeted by corrupt GA Speaker of the House David Ralston, who is backing an opponent in the primary. Last election Gurtler beat another crony of Ralston’s by 60% of the vote. May others like him increase their numbers in the state legislature.