Month: April 2020

Larry Savage Wins Cobb GRA Endorsement!

Larry Savage Wins Cobb GRA Endorsement!

Last Friday’s conclusion to the Cobb County Republican Assembly’s Electronic Endorsement Convention saw Larry Savage receive 90.9% of the vote, which more than satisfies the requisite two-thirds majority needed to earn the endorsement of the Cobb GRA. The Marietta Daily Journal reported on the story last night .
Larry brings to the race for Cobb County Commission Chairman an impressive detailed grasp and analysis on the ins and outs of Cobb Commission operations. Many believe he knows how the Commission works better than any of the other candidates. Voters would not likely have to worry with the county manager or the county government bureaucracy bogging him down or escaping his scrutiny. He has extensive experience managing private business organizations where efficiency has been necessary to stay profitable.
Larry Savage for Cobb Commission Chairman
Beyond his experience, Larry is also known as a “straight-shooter,” meaning that he doesn’t say one thing and do another. He tells you exactly what he genuinely believes is true. He’s not afraid to deliver the hard “Savage” truths—even when they’re not easy to hear. He will diagnose the problem and find effective solutions. He is a man of firm small-government and fiscally responsible convictions, having spoken out against Cronyism and other excesses in Cobb for years, even filing lawsuits against some of the worst examples of it. He’s a proven hero in the fight for a healthy constitutional community.

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Cobb GRA Does Virtual Interviews with Candidates for Cobb County Commission Chair

Cobb GRA Does Virtual Interviews with Candidates for Cobb County Commission Chair

In lieu of the in-person Candidate Forum that had been planned, due to the Corona virus lockdowns and “stay-at-home” orders, the Cobb County Republican Assembly hosted an online Zoom Interview with each of the candidates for Cobb County Commission Chairman: Ricci Mason, Larry Savage, and Mike Boyce. The interviews were a part of an Electronic Endorsement Convention we hosted to enable our members to vote on endorsement without having to attend in person so as not to have to potentially spread the virus. Now you can watch the entire video on YouTube here: