Today the Cobb County Republican Assembly held its second election of officers to the Cobb RA Board. President Michael Davis retired from the position, and Debra Williams was elected in his place. His wife Katie Davis retired from the position of Treasurer, and Kerry Kee was elected as the new Treasurer. Jeff Souther kindly switched to serve as Secretary, and Frank Molesky was elected as the new 1st Vice President. All the other officers were re-elected in the same positions they held in the previous term. We are grateful for all of them being willing to serve, and we appreciate the vote of confidence for our membership!
It was a special treat to have Dr. Joe Morecraft, the former Republican nominee for Congress of the 7th District in 1986, pastor of Heritage Presbyterian Church, and the preacher at the late Congressman Larry McDonald’s funeral, as the Chaplain of the convention to give the Biblical charge from the book of Isaiah.