“Stop the Steal”

Hundreds of activists gathered at the steps of the Georgia State Capitol Saturday afternoon for the “Stop the Steal” rally protesting the way the presidential election vote count has been handled. Trump supporters expressed their dismay with a trait Establishment Republicans and RINOs have disappointed us with many times before when it’s come to so many issues we’ve found within our grasp to resolve: too often they are more enamored with their power or prestige to take the football all the way into the end zone! We’ve seen it over the last 50 years with a whole variety of issues.
From the fight to save the lives of the pre-born, to the crusade to cut spending and reduce the federal deficit, to issues involving everything from gun rights to school choice Establishment Republicans have too often demonstrated themselves to be more talk than walk. That is exactly why the Georgia Republican Assembly, and its local affiliate organizations such as the Cobb County Republican Assembly, exist—to transform the party to stand for what it claims it actually stands for! Read More