IMPORTANT PLEASE READ! Janine Eveler and Lisa Cupid have buckled to Democrat threats of lawsuits and closed Boots Ward Recreation Center as an early voting location TWO business days before voting starts. This is an attempt to disenfranchise Republicans in West Cobb. We need to call and email Cobb Elections Board members and say “NO” to this. They meet today at 4:00 for an official vote!
On Monday morning, members of Georgia’s black community gathered in Atlanta at the Mariott Marquis to hear from America’s Frontline Doctors, the group of physicians who made headlines earlier this year by holding a press conference in Washington D.C. where they advocated for the use of Hydroxychloroquine for patients infected with COVID-19. This conference was partly a response to the recent national discussion about the possibility of distributing the vaccine for COVID by race, prioritizing the black community first. Angela Stanton King, the Republican nominee in the recent congressional race for the late John Lewis’ seat, introduced the Frontline Doctors at the event.
Dr. Simone Gold, who holds both a medical degree and a law degree
“I want you to no longer say ‘vaccine,’” said Dr. Simone Gold, the group’s founder, “it is an ‘experimental vaccine’. That is the legally correct description.” She went on to warn that, by receiving the experimental vaccine the implication is that they will track those who receive it because they are a participant in this experiment.
“The CDC is telling the public at large that getting an experimental vaccine is a good thing and, for the black community, a matter of racial justice,” Dr. Gold stated emphatically. “Racial justice has no place in scientific inquiries… There is scant scientific evidence that suggests race is a factor and some that suggests it is not a factor at all.” The Doctors asserted that Africa has been virtually untouched by the virus and suggested that if minorities appear more susceptible, it is likely the result of lifestyle and living conditions not their ethnicity. The physicians, based on their research, expressed grave concerns about the safety and efficacy of the new, experimental vaccine for anyone of any race.
Pro-life activists Scott Myers and Jason Cochran at the “Stop the Steal” rally Saturday
Hundreds of activists gathered at the steps of the Georgia State Capitol Saturday afternoon for the “Stop the Steal” rally protesting the way the presidential election vote count has been handled. Trump supporters expressed their dismay with a trait Establishment Republicans and RINOs have disappointed us with many times before when it’s come to so many issues we’ve found within our grasp to resolve: too often they are more enamored with their power or prestige to take the football all the way into the end zone! We’ve seen it over the last 50 years with a whole variety of issues.
From the fight to save the lives of the pre-born, to the crusade to cut spending and reduce the federal deficit, to issues involving everything from gun rights to school choice Establishment Republicans have too often demonstrated themselves to be more talk than walk. That is exactly why the Georgia Republican Assembly, and its local affiliate organizations such as the Cobb County Republican Assembly, exist—to transform the party to stand for what it claims it actually stands for! Read More
The Cobb County Republican Assembly is pleased to announce that Cobb GRA member Debbie Fisher has been elected as the new Cobb County Republican Assembly President. She was nominated by her predecessor Frank Molesky, who is stepping down from the position so that he can devote more time toward his role as the Southeastern Director for the NFRA. The Cobb GRA Board voted on her nomination earlier this week, and we are pleased to have such a hard-working and energetic person as Debbie on the leadership team.
For years Debbie has worked tirelessly with a group of activists in Cobb County to bring attention to some of the concerns going on with the Cobb County Commission. Among other things, she and Jan Barton worked with Alicia Adams to organize grassroots groups to oppose the real estate tax increases the Commission voted on two years ago. She will be working to mobilize the Cobb GRA to help its new endorsed candidate Larry Savage win the Republican Primary for Cobb County Commission Chairman on June 9th.
Larry brings to the race for Cobb County Commission Chairman an impressive detailed grasp and analysis on the ins and outs of Cobb Commission operations. Many believe he knows how the Commission works better than any of the other candidates. Voters would not likely have to worry with the county manager or the county government bureaucracy bogging him down or escaping his scrutiny. He has extensive experience managing private business organizations where efficiency has been necessary to stay profitable.
Larry Savage for Cobb Commission Chairman
Beyond his experience, Larry is also known as a “straight-shooter,” meaning that he doesn’t say one thing and do another. He tells you exactly what he genuinely believes is true. He’s not afraid to deliver the hard “Savage” truths—even when they’re not easy to hear. He will diagnose the problem and find effective solutions. He is a man of firm small-government and fiscally responsible convictions, having spoken out against Cronyism and other excesses in Cobb for years, even filing lawsuits against some of the worst examples of it. He’s a proven hero in the fight for a healthy constitutional community.
In lieu of the in-person Candidate Forum that had been planned, due to the Corona virus lockdowns and “stay-at-home” orders, the Cobb County Republican Assembly hosted an online Zoom Interview with each of the candidates for Cobb County Commission Chairman: Ricci Mason, Larry Savage, and Mike Boyce. The interviews were a part of an Electronic Endorsement Convention we hosted to enable our members to vote on endorsement without having to attend in person so as not to have to potentially spread the virus. Now you can watch the entire video on YouTube here:
The Cobb County Republican Assembly sent out hundreds of invitations today to loyal Republican Party voters in key precincts throughout the county, informing them of and inviting them to the up-coming candidate forum for our Cobb County Commission Chairman race.
Your Cobb County Republican Assembly Executive Committee was hard at work for you again this evening planning for some BIG EVENTS coming up over the next several weeks! 😁 Thanks to our 3rd Vice President & Korean War Veteran Charlie Williams for hosting the meeting again at his home.
The Cobb County Republican Assembly is pleased to invite you to attend a Candidate Forum with the candidates in the Republican Primary who have qualified for the office of Cobb County Commission Chair.
We have invited candidates Mike Boyce (the incumbent), Ricci Mason, and Larry Savage to each participate. Two of these candidates have already confirmed that they will be coming.
The Cobb County Republican Assembly Executive Committee met this evening to vote to fill a vacancy recently created on the board. By a unanimous vote, North Korean American military Veteran Charlie Williams was elected to the position of 3rd Vice President on the Cobb County RA Executive Committee. Charlie has distinguished himself for years for his dedication as a volunteer Republican Assembly member in the Cobb GOP. Last year he was instrumental in organizing the Cobb GOP’s table at the county fair.
The other board members welcomed Charlie to the team and expressed their confidence that he would do a wonderful job.