It’s convention season for the Republican Party in Georgia, and to kick that off, activists will have the opportunity to participate in the Mass Precinct Meeting in Cobb County!
The date for Cobb: March 13, 2021.
Some have expressed confusion because material being put on on social media shows the Mass Precinct Meeting scheduled for “March 20th.” That material is over-simplified. To explain: The Call of the GAGOP allows counties with populations over 80,000 to schedule their Mass Precinct Meeting anytime between March 11th and March 20th. The Cobb County Republican Committee met on February 2nd and voted to schedule their Mass Precinct Meeting on March 13th. Other counties with over 80,000 may have their Mass Precinct Meeting on March 20th, if they so choose.
Cobb RA members at the Cobb GOP Committee Meeting were successful in defeating a proposal that would have apportioned delegates to the county convention on April 17th to only one delegate for every 250 voters in favor of Donald Trump last November. (Normally the ratio is one delegate for every 50 voters for the presidential nominee.) The proposal would have meant five of Cobb’s most Republican precincts would have been under-represented as delegates compared to previous years.
The Cobb GOP Mass Precinct Meeting will open registration at 8:30am on Saturday, March 13th at the Hilton Marietta Conference Center and participation is free. No admissions will be permitted after 10:00am.