Last night the Cobb County Republican Assembly (Cobb RAs) hosted a Candidate Forum featuring all three candidate for Cobb County GOP Chair and several of their slate officers. For a two-hour marathon the candidates answered 25 questions pre-submitted to the Cobb RA from various activists in the county. Lisa Adkins, Pamela Alayon, and Salleigh Grubbs answered most of the questions, as the chair candidates. The forum was moderated by the Cobb RA Chairman Nathaniel Darnell.
Next week all the candidates will be interviewed privately by the Cobb GOP Nominating Committee, but these video-recorded interviews will provide any delegates voting at the Cobb County GOP Convention an opportunity to vet the candidates themselves before deciding with slate or candidates to vote to elect as officers for the next two years.
Now you can watch the video on the Cobb RA YouTube Channel at the link below.
After the Candidate Forum, GRA members who are a part of the Cobb County chapter will have the opportunity to participate in the Cobb RA’s Electronic Endorsement Convention, which started last night at 9pm and runs until 10pm on Friday, April 2nd. If you desire to participate in the Electronic Endorsement Convention, please be sure to follow the instructions carefully as refunds will not be provided to those who pay but do not qualify to vote. As usual, in order for anyone to have a vote in the Electronic Endorsement Convention, they must first be an approved GRA member, and they must also pay their registration fee on the Electronic Endorsement Convention’s EventBrite page here. An endorsement of a local candidate can only happen if at least two-thirds of the participating Cobb RA members vote in favor of endorsing one of the candidates. Members always have the option to vote for “no endorsement.” We look forward to seeing what our membership decides!