Cobb RAs Elects New Chapter President & Secretary
The Cobb County Republican Assembly’s Executive Committee has voted to elect Christopher Deeb the new President of the Cobb County Republican Assembly chapter. The vote was held after Debbie Fisher announced she needed to step down from the position in order to better keep up with her new duties as an officer on the Cobb County Republican Party’s Executive Committee working with Salleigh Grubbs.

Christopher Deeb serves as the fifth President of the Cobb County Republican Assembly, having succeeded Debbie Fisher, Frank Molesky, Debra Williams, and Michael Davis in that position. He is the father of two daughters, and husband to Lily Deeb, who currenlty serves as the Cobb GOP Secretary. As a professional he works as a senior software engineer, and grew up in metro-Atlanta, graduating from the University of Georgia Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Computer Science.

In addition, the Cobb RAs voted earlier to elect Joel Allen the new Secretary on the Executive Committee to replace Catherine Floam. Catherine is also now serving on the Cobb County Republican Party’s Executive Committee. Prior to that, the position was held by Jeff Souther, another admirable activist for the Cobb Republican cause. Joel also serves as a House District Chairman for the Cobb County Republican Party.
We appreciate both of these men offering themselves to serve in these roles.