Marietta, GA — Dozens of Cobb RA members and other conservative patriots showed up in force at the Cobb Commission meeting Tuesday night. Approximately 40 concerned citizens spoke out against the “Stormwater Fee” or “Rain Tax.” Only two women in favor of the tax presented. The meeting was “spirited” to say the least with Democrat Chairwoman Cupid pausing the meeting several times for breaks.
In the end, the commission voted to table the Rain Tax proposal until August.
Cobb RA member Christine Rozman, who oversees the Government Accountability Task Force (GATF) in Cobb, reported: “Fantastic results can happen when we show up for meetings and SPEAK OUT – and/or email the Commissioners or just FILL THE ROOM! Speaking of filling the room – it was PACKED and lots of folks standing.”
Citizens came holding lap signs with effective messaging that helped fuel the cause. It was close to 11:30 when the commissioners finally voted to table the Rain Tax issue until August.
Fox 5 Atlanta reported further on the story here.
You can watch the full Cobb County Commission meeting and see all of the comments from citizens here:
One comment
It was a record turnout of people from both sides who have had enough. The only meeting I remember more people was when Tim Lee tried to sneak in the Braves Stadium deal after the MOU appeared to have already been signed. This is what true Democracy looks like. We the People Spoke and they spoke loudly!