Gov. Ron DeSantis Defends Former President Trump in His Visit to Cobb County
Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis visited Cobb County last Thursday at the Adventures Outdoors off South Cobb Drive to give a presentation called “the Florida Blueprint.” Many Cobb Republican activists attended.
Although several members of the liberal news media (and some Establishment people) have been eager to pit Governor DeSantis against former President Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary, Governor DeSantis instead publicly voiced his opposition that day to the mistreatment and harassment Trump has received by his recent New York indictment and now arraignment. DeSantis said he would not cooperate with any extradition of Trump from Florida.

Both former President Trump and Governor DeSantis have been popular with the grassroots for being willing to aggressively take the fight to the liberal onslaught in different ways. It appears that many members of the Georgia political Establishment are eager to get behind a DeSantis presidential candidacy — not because, we suspect, they agree strongly with his staunch conservative positions — but because they want to get behind any candidate who they believe has the best chance of beating Trump for the Republican presidential nomination next year. Indeed, the Atlanta political Establishment has opposed implementing staunch DeSantis-type policies here in Georgia even though they praise him. DeSantis, however, has not yet announced for sure whether he will run for President.
The NFRA (National Federation of Republican Assemblies) will be hosting a national Endorsement Convention in Florida in October. Stay tuned for more details on that event to be announced soon!