Author: Nathaniel Darnell

Come on July 25th to a Candidate Meet & Greet

Come on July 25th to a Candidate Meet & Greet

With the Republican Primary runoffs now behind us, we are in full swing for the general elections, and we in the Cobb County Republican Assembly have teamed up with some of our local Cobb GOP House District and precinct officers to host a Candidate Meet & Greet event on July 25th to which we wanted to invite you!

This event will be a fine opportunity for you and your neighbors to meet candidates in four pivotal races here in Cobb, to pick their brains, to volunteer to help their campaigns, and to make donations for their races.

The following candidates have been invited to participate in this event: Brad Wheeler for re-election to the County School Board, Kay Morgan for County Commission Chair, David Cavender for County Sheriff, and Gary Chaffee for State Representative in House District 35. So far Wheeler, Morgan, and Chaffee have already confirmed.

Gary Chaffee is running for State House on a slogan of “God, Family, & the Constitution,” and received the GRA endorsement in the Republican primary. He faces incumbent Democrat Lisa Campbell in the Acworth area near KSU. You can learn more about his race at

Chris Ragsdale

Brad Wheeler has taken some strong stands on the Cobb County School Board, supporting the Superintendent Chris Ragsdale and opposing the intrusion of trans and woke ideologies in the classroom and in other school functions behind the backs of the parents. The county school board is the only one that Republicans still have a majority on in Cobb County, and many believe that if the board flips Democrat, it will have a negative impact on housing values in the county.

Wheeler’s race is especially being targeted by Democrats, and he faces Democrat challenger Andrew Cole, who garnered over 1,000 more votes in his primary race than the Republican.

We plan to organize door-knock campaign teams for Wheeler in September to help ensure strong turnout from Republicans in the district. Check out his re-elections campaign web site at

Kay Morgan and David Cavender are challenging Democrat incumbents for county-wide races on the county commission and sheriff’s office, respectively. Republicans are grateful for them stepping up to run. Kay’s campaign web site against Lisa Cupid is, and David’s web site is

Here is a summary of the event:

Candidate Meet & Greet
Address: 4905 Amberton Dr SW, Powder Springs, GA 30127
Date: July 25, 2024
Start time: 6:30pm
Cost: Free!

Light refreshments to be provided.

Click here if you would like to RSVP for the event on Facebook.

Cobb RA Dinner Meeting Shares Reports on Local Politics

Cobb RA Dinner Meeting Shares Reports on Local Politics

Last night, our Cobb County Republican Assembly chapter met at the Chuy’s Mexican restaurant near Town Center Mall to hear from a local guest panel of Cobb RA activists who provided us with a report on what is happening and what we can do to help locally with our Cobb County Board of Education, our Board of Elections, and our Cobb County Commission.

Audrey Neu speaks before the gathering

Our guest of panelists were Cobb RA members who have become local experts for each of these local government boards: Audrey Neu is a Cobb RA member who has worked with Truth in Education and serves as the official liaison between the Cobb Board of Education and the Cobb County GOP. Debbie Fisher is a former Cobb RA chapter President now serving as the Republican board member on the Cobb County Board of Elections. Christine Rozman is a Cobb RA member who serves on the Government Accountability Task Force (GATF) and provides vigilant oversight of virtually every meeting of the county commission.

With all the recent attacks from the left, on numerous issues and problems in every branch of government, activists like you and I can sometimes feel overwhelmed. You can’t fight everywhere all the time. 

These panelists have taken the wise course of focusing their efforts strategically, on a specific target. Folks came to learn how they could make a difference and help maximize their efforts.

There are a lot of exciting developments going on in each of these local arenas as we prepare for the primary season and elections next year! Although the federal government usually gets far more attention, local and state government have a huge impact on your life, and pose a significant threat to your liberty, your family, your home and your standard of living. We believe that civil government is most effective when it is more locally controlled. Citizens like you can have far more political impact at the local level, than in D.C.

Thanks to everyone who came to network, share ideas, and find answers to your questions from these like-minded patriot experts in our community.

Anti-Free Market Trash Service Proposal Quashed for This Year

Anti-Free Market Trash Service Proposal Quashed for This Year

Thanks to the overwhelming outcry from residents and local businesses, the Cobb County Commissioners decided to table the proposal to take trash service out of the free market in our county. That means we have a temporary success—at least until after the election this year!

We appreciate all of our local Cobb County Republican Assembly members and other activists who have spoken out against the proposal and helped to spread the word about this terrible idea. As we posted last week, this proposal is not only anti-Free Market competition for our county’s trash pickup but also as a result will lead to higher prices for residents and lower quality of service! It will hurt the current companies competing for that service and the jobs of the employees working for those companies.

Let us be eternally vigilant on this issue next January when the commissioners plan to take it off the table again and revisit the issue. We should all agree that this is a “solution” far worse than whatever “problem” the Democrats were claiming to want to resolve.

Both Republican commissioners Keli Gambrill (endorsed by the Cobb RAs) of District 1 and JoAnn Birrell of District 3 are up for re-election this November. No Democrats on the commission board are up for re-election this year.

Save Your Local Trash Collector!

Save Your Local Trash Collector!

With their new found power, the Democrat-controlled county commission is attempting to take trash service away from the competitive free-market and institute it as a government service. Thankfully, they are meeting with some resistance.

JoAnn Birrell, 3rd Cobb Commission District

In the past “Republican” Commissioner JoAnn Birrell has supported cronyists initiatives such as giving a billionaire over $400 million in tax subsidies for his sports arena. It’s nice to know that her willingness to go along with a County Commission Chair’s proposals for local big government expansion and interference with the free-market has some bounds—at least when it’s a Democrat making the proposal. Birrell didn’t have the same guts to stand up to many other wasteful statist intrusions under previous RINO Chairs Tim Lee and Mike Boyce. Their policies not only stole from the taxpayers but also changed the demographics in our county, which has now led to the recent Democrat takeover.

Keli Gambrill, 1st Cobb Commission District

Meanwhile, our endorsed Commissioner Keli Gambril (District 1) has pretty consistently opposed interference with the free-market and local government waste, while supporting government cuts over tax increases under both Democrat and RINO leadership. Birrell would do well to learn from Gambril’s example. To her credit, Birrell also voted against Mike Boyce’s 2018 tax increase, although that proposal passed with the support of Gambril’s predecessor, who she defeated in that year’s Republican primary.

This trash proposal is not only anti-Free Market competition for our county’s trash pickup but also as a result will lead to higher prices for residents and lower quality of service! It will hurt the current companies competing for that service and the jobs of the employees working for those companies.

This is fundamentally the same type of anti-Free Market intrusion we are accustomed to seeing from RINOs in Cobb. At least this time since the intrusion is coming from a Democrat, Republicans are pretty united against it, and residents in Cobb County are pushing back.

You can learn how to join the effort and stand up for the free-market by opposing this proposal when you go to

Cobb GRA Does Virtual Interviews with Candidates for Cobb County Commission Chair

Cobb GRA Does Virtual Interviews with Candidates for Cobb County Commission Chair

In lieu of the in-person Candidate Forum that had been planned, due to the Corona virus lockdowns and “stay-at-home” orders, the Cobb County Republican Assembly hosted an online Zoom Interview with each of the candidates for Cobb County Commission Chairman: Ricci Mason, Larry Savage, and Mike Boyce. The interviews were a part of an Electronic Endorsement Convention we hosted to enable our members to vote on endorsement without having to attend in person so as not to have to potentially spread the virus. Now you can watch the entire video on YouTube here:

Cobb Republican Assembly to Host Candidate Forum for Cobb Commission Chairman Candidates

Cobb Republican Assembly to Host Candidate Forum for Cobb Commission Chairman Candidates

The Cobb County Republican Assembly is pleased to invite you to attend a Candidate Forum with the candidates in the Republican Primary who have qualified for the office of Cobb County Commission Chair.

We have invited candidates Mike Boyce (the incumbent), Ricci Mason, and Larry Savage to each participate. Two of these candidates have already confirmed that they will be coming.

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Should Universal Healthcare Be a Right?

Should Universal Healthcare Be a Right?

“I think universal healthcare should be a right!”

I was sitting across the table from one of my 29-year-old clients near the end of the recent healthcare annual enrollment season as I heard these words. With the Democrat Presidential Primaries in full force and candidates such as U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders spouting such lines, it wasn’t hard to imagine where the lad had picked up that idea.

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