Cobb RA Dinner Meeting Shares Reports on Local Politics

Cobb RA Dinner Meeting Shares Reports on Local Politics

Last night, our Cobb County Republican Assembly chapter met at the Chuy’s Mexican restaurant near Town Center Mall to hear from a local guest panel of Cobb RA activists who provided us with a report on what is happening and what we can do to help locally with our Cobb County Board of Education, our Board of Elections, and our Cobb County Commission.

Audrey Neu speaks before the gathering

Our guest of panelists were Cobb RA members who have become local experts for each of these local government boards: Audrey Neu is a Cobb RA member who has worked with Truth in Education and serves as the official liaison between the Cobb Board of Education and the Cobb County GOP. Debbie Fisher is a former Cobb RA chapter President now serving as the Republican board member on the Cobb County Board of Elections. Christine Rozman is a Cobb RA member who serves on the Government Accountability Task Force (GATF) and provides vigilant oversight of virtually every meeting of the county commission.

With all the recent attacks from the left, on numerous issues and problems in every branch of government, activists like you and I can sometimes feel overwhelmed. You can’t fight everywhere all the time. 

These panelists have taken the wise course of focusing their efforts strategically, on a specific target. Folks came to learn how they could make a difference and help maximize their efforts.

There are a lot of exciting developments going on in each of these local arenas as we prepare for the primary season and elections next year! Although the federal government usually gets far more attention, local and state government have a huge impact on your life, and pose a significant threat to your liberty, your family, your home and your standard of living. We believe that civil government is most effective when it is more locally controlled. Citizens like you can have far more political impact at the local level, than in D.C.

Thanks to everyone who came to network, share ideas, and find answers to your questions from these like-minded patriot experts in our community.

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