March 2024 – Cobb County Republican Assembly

Month: March 2024

Regional Endorsement Convention Opens to More Counties in Metro-Atlanta

Regional Endorsement Convention Opens to More Counties in Metro-Atlanta

The Fulton Republican Assembly chapter has decided to join in with us for the up-coming Regional Endorsement Convention on April 6th! That means that the convention will now be able to endorse in Congressional Districts 6, 7, and 11 — and all local state legislative and commission races in the geographic area. In addition, GRA members who live in counties in these congressional districts can also participate even if they don’t have a local RA chapter for their area or if their chapter is not addressing these races. So now GRA members from BartowDouglasForsythDawsonLumpkin, and Hall counties will also be able to join with CobbCherokeeFulton, and Pickens for this event.

Remember that an RA endorsement always requires a two-thirds majority vote.

Already some key contests are shaping up for the regional endorsement convention. Candidate Paul Kettering, for example, has qualified to challenge incumbent State Rep. Jordan Ridley (R-22) whose district covers part of Cherokee and part of Cobb. Ridley two years ago won election to office in an open seat after receiving the GRA endorsement. He also took the maximum contribution from the GRA-PAC. But after getting elected, Ridley quickly distanced himself from his supporters and the GA Freedom Caucus, earning himself a legislative vote score of 43% (“D”) in 2023.

Kettering says he’s running as a true conservative America First patriot, and aims to replace Ridley for the Republican nomination in State House District 22. He has already confirmed as one of the candidate speakers at the regional endorsement convention.

To pre-register for this 2024 local RA Regional Endorsement Convention, please register hereLunch will be included.

Early-bird pricing is available for those registering before April 6, 2024. At the door pricing will be $25 per participating RA member. Candidates registering to speak at the event pay a $50 sponsorship. Other like-minded partner organizations pay $75 to hold a table at this regional endorsement convention.

If you are not yet a GRA member, but would like to apply to join, you can do so at this link.

If you are concerned about the direction of our country, don’t yell at the TV or stay home and complain, please join us in taking constructive action. One person by himself is helpless to stop the leftist onslaught, but by working together we can fight and, with God’s help, save our community.

Endorsement conventions provide an opportunity to meet and network with like-minded patriots who share the same passions and causes you care about. By attending these conventions you will be encouraged and feel better to know you are not alone and are doing something to help make a difference for the next generation. 

We hope to see you at the regional endorsement convention!

The “Rain Tax” Cobb Commission Hearing Gets Rained Out with Angry Citizens

The “Rain Tax” Cobb Commission Hearing Gets Rained Out with Angry Citizens

Marietta, GA — Dozens of Cobb RA members and other conservative patriots showed up in force at the Cobb Commission meeting Tuesday night. Approximately 40 concerned citizens spoke out against the “Stormwater Fee” or “Rain Tax.” Only two women in favor of the tax presented. The meeting was “spirited” to say the least with Democrat Chairwoman Cupid pausing the meeting several times for breaks.

In the end, the commission voted to table the Rain Tax proposal until August.

Cobb RA member Christine Rozman, who oversees the Government Accountability Task Force (GATF) in Cobb, reported: “Fantastic results can happen when we show up for meetings and SPEAK OUT – and/or email the Commissioners or just FILL THE ROOM! Speaking of filling the room – it was PACKED and lots of folks standing.”

Citizens came holding lap signs with effective messaging that helped fuel the cause. It was close to 11:30 when the commissioners finally voted to table the Rain Tax issue until August. 

Fox 5 Atlanta reported further on the story here.

You can watch the full Cobb County Commission meeting and see all of the comments from citizens here:

Click to watch the video.
Cobb GOP Passes Two Strong Resolutions Against DEI & for Election Integrity In Spite of Hamstrung Resolutions Procedures

Cobb GOP Passes Two Strong Resolutions Against DEI & for Election Integrity In Spite of Hamstrung Resolutions Procedures

Marietta, GA — At Roswell Street Baptist Church last Saturday, the Cobb County Republican Party held their county convention to elect delegates to the congressional district and state conventions, to adopt rules, and to pass resolutions. Most of the convention went fairly smoothly with only minor changes made to the delegate lists proposed by the Nominating Committee, primarily due to some delegates dropping out because of scheduling conflicts.

Delegates check-in at the convention

However, the convention once again ran into a reoccurring problem for the Cobb GOP with being able to pass resolutions due to the ridiculous red tape Parliamentarian Donna Rowe has put in the Cobb GOP Rules, creating an arduous process to get resolutions submitted and approved. This was done in reaction to the backlash the Cobb GOP received a few years ago when a resolution was overwhelmingly passed by the county committee criticizing Governor Brian Kemp. This time the procedures made it so that a resolution favored by Cobb GOP Chairwoman Salleigh Grubbs could not be voted on by the body.

The resolution would have called for Board of Elections member and lobbyist Ed Lindsey to have been removed from the board and replaced with a grassroots champion for election integrity. Although the Cobb GOP’s procedural rules did not allow for the delegates to consider that resolution, other county GOP conventions did pass resolutions on that subject. Marci McCarthy, Chairwoman of the DeKalb GOP, for example, reported that her county’s convention passed the resolution. As the Over 80K Chair for the GA GOP, Salleigh Grubbs was said to be encouraging other county GOPs with over 80,000 populations to pass the resolution she could not pass in her own county.

The Cobb GOP did, however, manage to pass two strong resolutions at the county convention, which were presented by Cobb RA member Leroy Emkin, who serves as the Chairman of the Resolutions Committee. The first of these denounced the use of “Diversity Equity & Inclusion” (DEI) policies, which are tied to theories of Marxist “social justice,” in the Georgia university system. The second called for election integrity reform. You can see these two proposed resolutions here:

Cobb RA Hosting Joint Regional Endorsement Convention with North Metro RA chapter on April 6th

Cobb RA Hosting Joint Regional Endorsement Convention with North Metro RA chapter on April 6th

The Cobb RAs and the North Metro RAs have decided again to join together for a regional endorsement convention of the local Georgia Republican Assembly chapters in Cobb, Cherokee, and Pickens counties. Since announcing this, the Fulton RA chapter has also decided to join in the event.

Participating RA members will be able to vote on endorsing local candidates in races within this geographical area, including state legislative races, and races for local school board and county commission.

To pre-register for this 2024 local RA Regional Endorsement Convention, please register here. Lunch included.

Early-bird pricing is available if registering before April 6, 2024.

At the door pricing will be $25 per participating RA member. Candidates registering to speak at the event pay a $50 sponsorship. Other like-minded partner organizations pay $75 to hold a table at this regional endorsement convention.

We hope to see you join us!