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Cobb RAs Support State Rep. Matt Gurtler in Re-Election Fundraiser

Cobb RAs Support State Rep. Matt Gurtler in Re-Election Fundraiser

Several GRA members from around the state, including several Cobb RA members, were pleased to drive out to far northeast Georgia to join with local constituents and help GRA-endorsed State Rep. Matt Gurtler in his first fundraiser of the new election season. Among those from Cobb where founding Cobb Republican Assembly President Michael Davis (not currently serving), Cobb RA Chairman Nathaniel Darnell, and Cobb RA 2nd Vice President Matthew Hardwick. Gurtler has consistently received the highest scores for his voting record as a true pro-American, pro-life, small-government and finally responsible constitutionalist, but he has been targeted by corrupt GA Speaker of the House David Ralston, who is backing an opponent in the primary. Last election Gurtler beat another crony of Ralston’s by 60% of the vote. May others like him increase their numbers in the state legislature.

Cobb RA Sponsors Cobb GOP’s 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Cobb RA Sponsors Cobb GOP’s 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the conclusion of the Cold War and the defeat of Soviet Communism were one of the great triumphs of the last one hundred years. 11/9 was every bit as significant as 9/11 in history — except this day was significant for good! So the Cobb County Republican Assembly was proud and pleased to sponsor the Cobb GOP’s event celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Several Cobb County Republican Assembly members attended the party, including Cobb RA Chairman Nathaniel Darnell, Cobb RA Secretary Jeff Souther, and Cobb RA 2nd Vice President Matthew Hardwick along with his wife Marissa — as well as members Taryn Bowman, Mike Congemi, and Timothy Roberts!

NFRA Convention Hosted in Georgia!

NFRA Convention Hosted in Georgia!

Our newly elected Cobb RA President Debra Williams served as the event coordinator for the National Federal of Republican Assembly (NFRA) Convention in downtown Atlanta this past weekend. Republican Assembly delegates from across the country came together to network and meet leaders of the Congressional Freedom Caucus and other statesmen share and dine. A special highlight was seeing the Cobb RA’s 1st Vice President Frank Molesky elected as the new Southeast Regional Director for the NFRA. Congratulations, Frank!

GRA Convention held in Cobb County Again!

GRA Convention held in Cobb County Again!

Cobb County had the honor of hosting the GRA State Convention once again, and this time two of Cobb’s RA Board members were elected to the state Board. Nathaniel Darnell was elected to 3rd Vice President of the GRA and Debra Williams was elected as the National Committeewoman. Alex Johnson from DeKalb and Brant Frost V from Coweta were re-elected as GRA President and 1st Vice President, respectively. Earlier this year, Brant was also elected to the GAGOP Executive Board with the help of GRA members from across the state who voted as delegates at the GAGOP State Convention in Savannah.

New Board Elected at Cobb County Republican Assembly Convention

New Board Elected at Cobb County Republican Assembly Convention

Today the Cobb County Republican Assembly held its second election of officers to the Cobb RA Board. President Michael Davis retired from the position, and Debra Williams was elected in his place. His wife Katie Davis retired from the position of Treasurer, and Kerry Kee was elected as the new Treasurer. Jeff Souther kindly switched to serve as Secretary, and Frank Molesky was elected as the new 1st Vice President. All the other officers were re-elected in the same positions they held in the previous term. We are grateful for all of them being willing to serve, and we appreciate the vote of confidence for our membership!

It was a special treat to have Dr. Joe Morecraft, the former Republican nominee for Congress of the 7th District in 1986, pastor of Heritage Presbyterian Church, and the preacher at the late Congressman Larry McDonald’s funeral, as the Chaplain of the convention to give the Biblical charge from the book of Isaiah.