Matt Dollar, State Rep., District 45
2019 Legislative Score: 52
2019 Legislative Score: 52
For those who haven’t been able to share their concerns at the Town Hall Meetings being held by Cobb County Commission Chair Mike Boyce about the proposed property tax increase, and for those who want to know more than has been disclosed about the causes of the budget shortfall, citizens Jan Barton and Debbie Fisher organized a Citizen Town Hall Meeting. They invited former Cobb County Commissioner Bill Byrne, former Cobb County Commission candidate Larry Savage, and Cobb County Republican Assembly Chairman Nathaniel Darnell to serve on their panel for the event and answer questions.
The Cobb GRA Endorsement Convention concluded Saturday, April 28th with four endorsements in local races. The organization would like to congratulate their local candidates who received the 2/3rd vote necessary from the attending members at the convention to win the endorsement: Rob Harrell, Travis Klavohn, Homer Crothers, and Keli Gambrill!
We encourage you to get to know these candidates!
On Saturday, April 28th at 11am at the Cobb Central Library, the Cobb County Republican Assembly will be hosting it’s next meeting and endorsement convention.
With the fantastic coordinating skills of Cobb GRA member Debra Williams, the Cobb chapter of the GRA served as the host this year for the Georgia Republican Assembly’s annual fundraiser dinner. The event met and exceeded its fundraising goals and found a strong turnout in spite of the fact that the event happened to occur on one of the iciest snowy nights Georgia has experienced so far this winter.
At the Georgia Republican Assembly’s annual state convention, the Cobb County Republican Assembly was awarded the “Club of the Year” for their success in growing as a local chapter and having a positive influence in turning around the Republican Party leadership in the community.